How to Help a Hoader
What are the best steps to helping a hoarder?
STEP 1: Talk to the hoarder in a non-judgmental way and try to understand why they are hoarding.
STEP 2: Offer support and understanding.
STEP 3: Encourage the hoarder to seek professional help.
STEP 4: Help the hoarder create a plan for organizing and sorting through their items.
STEP 5: Work with the hoarder to create a system for organizing and discarding items.
STEP 6: Help the hoarder find resources for disposing of items.
STEP 7: Help the hoarder find ways to replace items that have been discarded.
STEP 8: Encourage the hoarder to seek counseling to address underlying issues.
STEP 9: Offer to help the hoarder.
How to identify a Hoarder & provide hoarder cleanup
A hoarder is someone who has difficulty getting rid of possessions, even when they are no longer needed or wanted. Hoarders often accumulate large amounts of clutter, which can lead to health and safety risks. Hoarding can be caused by a variety of factors, including mental health issues, traumatic life experiences, and difficulty with decision-making. The best way to help a hoarder is to be supportive and understanding. It is important to recognize that hoarding is a complex issue and that it can take time to make changes. Encourage the hoarder to seek professional help from a mental health professional and to join a support group. Offer to help them organize their possessions and create a plan for discarding items. Finally, be patient